Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reflecting You! Reflecting Who?

Courtesy of Facebook.com
Here we have another "political party" running for office.  "Reflecting You!" consists of the current Student Body President,  Terel Lynn; Vice-President of Legislation, David Dressler; and Vice President of Finance, Eric Smith, with new comer Marci Sullivan running for Vice President of Programming.

This campaign flier, made to resemble a voting ballot,  has a basic, but intense color scheme: red, light blue, navy blue and white.  These colors might have worked well together - as they do in say the American Flag- but not in this combination.  The shades of red and blues clash horribly and the text is hardly legible.

Courtesy of Ray Cunningham via Flickr.com
What's with the star burst pattern behind each of the candidates photos? These guys(and gal) are running for the IPFW student government NOT Communist China or the former USSR.  Sure this poster is propaganda but if I were running for public office in Fort Wayne, Indiana, I wouldn't take notes from Mao Zedong --->

The photos they chose aren't exactly the most flattering either.  Especially since they were pasted onto an alternating blue striped pattern.  Good thing I don't have epilepsy, looking at this flier for to long might cause a seizure.  So whose image is this "party" trying to reflect exactly?  I know I don't want to look like this when I look in the mirror.

If you haven't guessed it yet, this campaign flier is U-G-L-Y.  Seriously if I look at it any longer my eyes might start to bleed.


  1. I couldn't agree more.
    I got handed a similar flier from the same group last night, and all that I could think of was that they got a less-than-amazing product for obviously more money than other parties running -- I could tell by the high-gloss finish.

    I haven't been persuaded either way yet for the student elections, so nothing toward these people, but while I understand that those who put money into their campaigns are often better-known, it is best to make them legible as well.

  2. Also, props for incorporating the Mao Zedong image! Hahaha.

  3. It is slightly better than their obnoxious posters in the staircase. I'm not sure how many people actually vote based on substance or campaign ads. If its campaign ads, they're kinda screwed.

  4. Hahaha! I dont really have much to say about this article except that you nailed it.
