Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BigHearts Bohkart?

This is my last post of student elections I promise. 

But I have to say something about one candidate's manipulation via the media.  Meet Pre-Med student Matthew Bokhart.  A few semesters ago he started this student org called The BigHearts Club which actually is a GOOD and amiable pursuit.  It holds a lot of fundraisers for charity. 

Here is where it gets ugly....

This semester Bohkart decided to run for student body president, which normally wouldn't be a bad thing.  But he has taken to some pretty shady marketing practices.  Has successfully turned his BigHearts club into a front group for "MATTHEW BOKHART for Student Body President".  The BigHearts Club is in the midst of a charity that is running alongside the Student Government Elections. Instead of keeping the usual BigHearts logo, he has fitted a picture of himself and his name to ALL THINGS BigHearts!  So now when student see the org's event fliers they see plugs for Bohkart.  That is manipulation and it is the UGLIEST thing I have seen all campaign season! 


  1. I can't stand that -- using a charitable club to brand his name instead of just focusing on helping people. During elections, the good works that people do come up and show through, so instead of being known as a good person he's going to be known as someone who would focus more on his name than his charity.

  2. That is shady. Kristen was telling me that someone stuffed their flyer in all the issues of the Communicator. How do you feel about that?

  3. I agree that is ridiculous to take something charitable and make himself the face of it. Politics at its best.
