Friday, April 8, 2011

Joe Knows!

This flier just came out today and I caught it via Facebook.  I am in no way endorsing the use of pathological appeals (this one being humor) to win elections.  But I actually like this flier.  Sure it doesn't say anything about what policies he stands for and it might be a copyright infringement, but at least it doesn't make my eyes hurt.  This is good-humored, entertaining and eerily reminiscent of one of those "humorous"/"sexy" birthday cards you find at Walgreens or CVS.  It is also consistent with his "parties" over all design theme (always a plus in the PR/marketing world).

I'm going to go ahead and declare this campaign ad as "Good".... mostly because it isn't pixelated to hell or seizure inducing.


  1. You can tell a lot of thought went into the design on this one -- not necessarily the image itself, because I don't know what it has to do with politics (instead of a possible "I'll beat you with this bat if you don't vote for me," haha) but you can tell that the body attached to Joe's head was African-American and they did a lot of grayscaling and lightening to make it look natural and match.

    So, I suppose that while I don't really like the ad itself, I like that you can tell a lot went into it and it wasn't just thrown together.

  2. I agree that the ad isn't hard on the eyes, but I also feel that it is a terrible ad because it does not show what he stands for. Politcs I guess.
