Thursday, March 17, 2011


Welcome to The Good, the Ad & the Ugly  blog!  This blog is dedicated to the creation a conversation about the "glocal" media environment of Fort Wayne Indiana.  This includes all media that is created, distributed, and consumed by the Fort Wayne community.  For each post, I will include a link to a media controversy or product, as well as, a criticism of the artifact by rating it on a scale from "good" to "ugly".  I invite all readers to participate in the discussion by contributing respectful criticism. 


  1. I like that you used the word glocal. I just saw a PETA commercial... so many offensive, controversial ads out there.

  2. Good idea man. The media is definitely something else and so I am sure there will be alot that you can criticize.

    Off note: I like how none of the books on the bookshelf have a title or any sort of writing on them whatsoever.

    Good day sir!

  3. @Kathryn Send me a link to the ads they might show up in a post! Thanks.

  4. this will be an interesting and exciting blog because everyone in fort wayne always brings an uproar about something..

  5. Good call Maddie. Also, this topic should be easy for you to update it frequently because as everyone said above, there is so much media! It never ends.
