Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not Another Michael Jackson Memorial, Please!

courtesy of kimint via

At 9:11am this morning I received a text alert from Indiana's News Center concerning the death of actress Elizabeth Taylor.  It read, "Legendary screen actress Elizabeth Taylor has died at age of 79.  Watch INC News at Noon and 5:00pm for more."  Here is a link to their story on her death.

I signed up for these text alerts because I wanted to know when and where actual emergencies are happening that will have an effect on my life. Not to read about paparazzi exploitation.      

This is the most useless text I have received in a long time. Celebrity news IS NOT breaking news!  I'm not saying her death isn't sad and shouldn't be reported. I'm saying it shouldn't be the top story, or previewed in an emergency text alert. 

INC Now don't make Taylor's death into the next Michael Jackson memorial.  Do us all favor and let her family grieve peace, away from the media spotlight. So she can be remembered in death as she was celebrated in life - as a timeless star.

This is both "Ugly" and a shameless "AD".


  1. Yes, I agree with you, I hope the media are not going to make any commercial or gossip about her death.

  2. Agreed. The tabloids were doing their thing publishing pictures of Taylor the months before her death too, saying she was going to die soon. It must be depressing to see that about yourself on a magazine regardless of truthfulness (of course, tabloids aren't the best source of news anyway;]).

    I cancelled the textcasting feature after I started getting sports updates.

  3. It is definitely a major piece of news, but I wouldn't say it was "breaking" news, especially since she was in declining health and was 79 years old. She was definitely a major icon and her death should be in the news, but it's not like her death is going to drastically effect our lives.

  4. Let the dead be dead! By the way Peter, I love your background!
