Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Glenn Beck and Kindness?

We all know that Northeastern Indiana loves Glenn Beck.  Last year Trine University even let him come to their campus and speak (a move that in this bloggers' opinion lost the institution as a whole credibility).  John Bershad of Mediaite, recently published a piece on Beck's recent call to action.

Instead of asking his flock to abandon churches that support social justice like he did a few years ago.  Beck wants his listeners to get in groups and commit acts of "kindness".  This sounds a little suspicious to me.  Is this just a subversive attempt at attracting advertisers back to his show?  Or a slick PR move to get the attention of viewers sick of his rants about the evils of socialism?   Maybe he genuinely wants people to display goodness.  Either way I don't trust it.  This is just another "Ad" in my book.


  1. Hm. Not sure that I will fully understand this until it's written in scientific form on a blackboard. :)

    I like that you linked in the post -- it let you have a very brief posting that gave insight because the background was all done for you. The questions at the end also play in nicely because that gives an invitation to comment. As for answers, I'm not sure, but I feel like the "ad" direction is right; however I wonder how you got to that conclusion.

  2. there's a reason glenn beck is going blind...

  3. Sad, sad day when Beck came to Angola. Not only have I no respect for Trine, but the entire city is completely ridiculous.
